Can’t connect to MICROSOFT##SSEE DB

I had a Windows Small Business Server 2008 with WSS 3.0 running on it.  I needed to get to the content databases. I tried to connect to the SQL instance using the default server name (SERVER)\MICROSOFT##SSEE in SQL Management Studio. I was unable to connect no matter what account I used. I discovered it is installed on a … Read more

Install certificate in Exchange 2007

 I recently had to renew my Exchange certificate as it expired. The original admin that set up this Exchange bought the previous certificate from Digi. I decided to go with Startcom (Free SSL) as I have used them once before in an OCS deployment and they worked out well. Exchange is a little different in that you must use Exchange management shell (PowerShell) during the process of installing a certificate for Outlook Web Access (OWA). I am going to cover 5 steps to installing a certificate Exchange for OWA.

 To Open Exchange Management Shell: Go to START >>Programs>>Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 >> Exchange Management Shell


This is the management shell


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GPO disabling a Windows service

Recently I had a virtual machine that would not obtain an IP from DHCP. I noticed the DHCP client service was disabled in windows services. I would enable it, start it and it would start just fine. I would then reboot the VM. The DHCP client service would be disabled again. I had a feeling … Read more

Show hidden devices in Windows

Have you ever had devices that where stuck on your system and you needed to remove them. For example someone removed a physical network card from the system without uninstalling it first from the OS. This can be a problem if that network card had a static IP assigned to it. Once you add a new network card using the same static IP that was assigned to the previous network card it will give you an error.

If this were to happen normally you would go to device manager and simply uninstall the device. Well what if they don’t display? That means they are hidden. It is a good thing there is a way to un-hide them so you can uninstall them.

I have created a batch file that contains this:

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Analyze a Trend Micro HijackThis log


Trend Micro HijackThis is a free utility that generates an in depth report of registry and file settings from your computer. This tool can help you detect spyware and viruses. Do not use this tool alone. Use this tool along with other spyware and virus removal tools.

Download it here:Trend Micro Hijackthis tool 

So now you have generated a log file using Trend Micro HijackThis. Here is a website that you can upload the log file on to Analyze it.

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ISA 2006 blocking FTP traffic

My clients on my network could access FTP servers behind our ISA 06 firewall but they could not create or delete anything on that FTP. I checked to make sure the permissions on the FTP were setup correctly. I narrowed it down to ISA blocking Incoming FTP traffic coming back from the FTP servers. I did some searching and there are many issues out on this. Others issues vary slightly but I did find something that worked for me. I setup the below rule on ISA.

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Integrate SugarCRM with Active Directory

Here is a quick how to guide on configuring SugarCRM to integrate with your Active Directory.

First thing you need to do is log into your SugarCRM and click on the admin link in the upper right hand corner.

Scroll down to System Settings and click on this link.

Now scroll down to LDAP Authentication Support and enable it. This will expand out and you will need to configure these settings.

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Windows 7 Problem Steps Recorder

Have you ever had a hard time understanding what a user did to produce a problem or error? Have you ever had a user try to explain what they did to cause a problem or error but needed to see the actual error and or steps?

Well now you will be able to as clients begin to get Windows 7. Microsoft has added a feature that lets users record their steps and send to you in a nice little web page complete with screen shots. Here are the steps to have a user produce this in Windows 7:

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