I am currently studying for the Linux + certification. I work with Linux alot becuase of my web site work. This is typically all command shell through SSH, Webmin, or WHM. I am forcing myself to use Linux on a daily basis as my workstation so I will learn it even more. The flavor of Linux I am using is CentOS. One of the tools I use is Skype. Skype does not have a RPM package for CentOS. This application has to be installed manually. I had to figure out how to get this installed. Here are the steps I took to install this and configure it.
Skype only comes in 32 bit so if you have a 64 bit machine you need to run the following to install 32 bit libraries. This is required to run the 32 bit Skype application.
yum install glib2.i386 qt4.i386 zlib.i386 alsa-lib.i386 libX11.i386 \ libXv.i386 libXScrnSaver.i386
Download skype to the temp directory.
cd /tmp
wget http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-beta-static
Install Skype to the opt directory and extract it. The opt directory is for software or add-on’s that aren’t part of the default Linux install.
cd /opt
tar jxvf /tmp/skype_static-
NOTE: could be a different version on your system so watch out for this and adjust accordingly. If you are not sure what this is go look in the /tmp directory at the skype folder.
Now we need to setup a link. This is needed for sound to work.
ln -s /opt/skype /usr/share/skype
CD into the /opt directory and then cd into the skype_static- directory. You can run the Skype application from here. Later I will show you how to add it to your menu and create a link on the desktop.
CD /opt
CD / skype_static-
This is the directory for skype on your system.
When installing skype manually like we did above it does not place it in the applications menu. You can manually add it here just follow the below steps.
Right click on the kmenu. (NOTE: You may be running gnome and the steps may be slightly different.)
Choose menu editor.
Choose the section you want to add skype in. (I chose Internet in this example.)
Right click on it.
Choose new item.
Give the new item a name and click ok.
On item menu in the command field point it to /opt/ skype_static-
To change the icon click on this button.
It will pop up a window.
browse to /opt/ skype_static-
I recommend choosing the 48×48 icon. Then when you place it on your desktop later it will look correct. Click on file save to update the kmenu.
Now when you go to your kmenu you will see skype and can launch it from here.
To put a skype shortcut on your desktop left click on it in the menu and drag to the desktop.
It will give pop up a menu. Choose link here.
Now it is on your desktop and in your menu so you can launch from either place.
Once you launch it will appear in next to your clock.
Further help if needed:
· http://forum.skype.com/topic/474661-install-skype-on-centos-5-4/
· http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/Skype